Written by former California Highway Patrol officer, Lyndon Lafferty, "The Zodiac Killer Cover Up" proposes the theory that the serial killer who claimed seven – five dead and two injured - victims between December 1968 and October 1969 is now a 91-year-old man living in Solano County, California.
Instead of naming his culprit, Lafferty uses aliases and reveals that he and other law enforcement officers and government officials (known as the Mandamus Seven) have known the identity of the suspect since March 1971 but were kept quiet by "power brokers" in the opulent neighborhood.
"I know what most people think of Zodiac theories, and there have been so many over the years that if a person walked into the Vallejo Police Department right now and said he was the Zodiac, they'd tell him to get out," Lafferty told the San Francisco Chronicle in an interview last year.
"I know what most people think of Zodiac theories, and there have been so many over the years that if a person walked into the Vallejo Police Department right now and said he was the Zodiac, they'd tell him to get out," Lafferty told the San Francisco Chronicle in an interview last year.
"But I do feel that we have a very credible case," stated the ex-cop, who claims the killer was motivated by jealousy because his wife was having an affair and he was driven to blood-lusting revenge after years of alcoholism.
The shooter reportedly taunted the Bay Area police with cryptic letters including a 408-symbol cryptogram which he claimed contained his identity that was sent to San Francisco newspapers.
"The police shall never catch me, because I have been too clever for them," the Zodiac wrote in a letter sent to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I enjoy needling the blue pigs," he boasted, referring to the police, and claimed to have killed as many as 37.
Many of the victims targeted were couples in popular make-out spots who were gunned down or stabbed by a man whom one survivor described as wearing a black executioner's-type hood with clip-on sunglasses over the eye-holes wearing a bib-like device on his chest that had a white cross-circle symbol on it.
In his expose of the confusing case, Lafferty claims that the killer, who was among 2,300 suspects cleared by the local authorities, escaped justice thanks to "secret oaths and federal obstructions of justice," and his intrepid wife who protected him from prosecution.
In his expose of the confusing case, Lafferty claims that the killer, who was among 2,300 suspects cleared by the local authorities, escaped justice thanks to "secret oaths and federal obstructions of justice," and his intrepid wife who protected him from prosecution.
What do you think?
Is "Zodiac Killer" still dangerous despite his old age?
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Justice is blind, at least that's what they say,but never the less why should he still not be caught or punished. When you think about it the only difference between now and then is time. So ask yourself this, if you were one of the victims would you rather have justice late or never? Wouldn't you want your killer to be punished,especially after boasting and taunting about it as if proud and done riotously. Many people may think because of the age he is not dangerous it no longer maters. Yet, justice is blind so it shouldn't not see the age of a person it shall only see the crimes committed. So he may not be dangerous or he may be, yet that and age should not be a factor of how judged upon the crimes and lives lost.