A source has told "The Sun" newspaper: "Rihanna impressed with her acting debut in "Battleship". Writers think she’ll be perfect for the role. Her character has plenty of bite and doesn’t take any prisoners — just like her in real life. It’s a step up the ladder for her and could lead to bigger action roles."
It has to be mentioned that this will be the sixth move in the "Fast and Furious" franchise! This time the action will take place in the UK which works well since Rihanna is relocating to London to film a TV series. Now she’ll stay longer and complete the movie as well. Filming is due to start next month!
Rihanna is enthusiastic about the role because she’s desperate to hit it big as a Hollywood actress. She’s already been telling friends she’d love to play her idol Whitney Houston on film. Rihanna also wants to try her hand at comedy as well. She has been quoted as saying "I’ve always wanted to work with Seth Rogen. He is so funny. Even if he’s not in the film, all of his movies are funny. They’re the comedies I watch a thousand times, besides Borat of course, and everything that Sacha Baron Cohen does."
"Fast And the Furious" may not win her an Oscar , but she is on the right track! Don't you think?
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